Kitchener Primary School applauded by Estyn for inclusive ethos and strong learning community

Kitchener Primary School in Canton has been praised by Estyn for its inclusive and welcoming environment, which fosters a culture of respect, responsibility, and empathy among its diverse student body.

Kitchener Primary School applauded by Estyn

During a visit by the inspection by the Education and Training Inspectorate in Wales, the report commended the school's inclusive ethos, noting that pupils, staff, and parents share strong, positive relationships built on mutual trust. This supportive environment allows pupils to feel safe and nurtures their motivation to learn.

Inspectors noted that the school offers a rich variety of stimulating learning experiences that engage and motivate pupils and has been effective in supporting pupils to become independent learners, with most Year 6 pupils demonstrating strong self-reliance and perseverance.

The report also highlights the school's commitment to celebrating diversity and broadening pupils' understanding of global events. Pupils are encouraged to consider complex issues thoughtfully and to understand how they can contribute to positive change. This has been a key part of their development as respectful and globally conscious individuals.

Headteacher Reena Patel said: "I am proud to lead a school that values its community, reflects the diverse needs of its children in the curriculum, and ensures everyone has a voice and is valued."

Kitchener Primary School in Canton has been praised by Estyn for its inclusive and welcoming environment

 A positive report, Estyn have recommended two key areas for further improvement which the school will address in its action plan;

  • Improving the provision for the systematic development of pupils' numeracy and mathematical skills.

  • Ensuring that all teachers maintain consistently high expectations for pupils' written work.

Cardiff's Deputy Leader and cabinet member for Education, Councillor Sarah Merry said: "Kitchener Primary School is known for its vibrant and diverse community and Estyn have recognised the good work taking place at the school which provides opportunities that help children grow not just academically, but also as compassionate, engaged citizens of the world.

"The school has clearly created a space where every child feels respected, valued, and empowered to succeed and the positive atmosphere maintained by dedicated staff, enables pupils to achieve and make strong progress, demonstrating the effectiveness of the school's teaching approaches.

"Congratulations to pupils, staff and the community for a positive report."

At the time of inspections, Kitchener Primary School had 451 pupils on roll with 79.7per cent of pupils having English as an additional language and 35.6per cent of pupils are eligible for free school meals.


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