Review: ‘NYE’ at the wales millennium centre


‘Nye’ is at the Wales Millennium Centre until the 1st of June

The most emotional piece of theatre you'll ever witness.

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Image:Johann Persson

This week, we were invited to watch the magnificently moving, tear-jerking masterpiece that is ‘Nye’. To be honest, going into this I was a bit worried the show would drag, with it being such a serious topic I imagined it would be quite dark and gloomy, but this wasn’t the case at all, there wasn’t a second where I wasn’t hooked to the stage. Plus there was even a song in there which helped break up the intensity of some of the sequences.

The story explores the incredible life of Tredegar-born Aneurin ‘Nye’ Bevan in the form of memories, and his inspiring battle to create the National Health Service, an incredible story brought to life by the exceptional Michael Sheen.

Having lived in Wales my whole life I had always heard about Aneurin Bevan. I often walked past the statue of him in the city centre and wondered who he was as a person, and I think this performance explores this perfectly. I just need it made into a film now (Starring Michael Sheen of course).

Explore Nye Bevan's inspiring battle for the NHS

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Image: Johann Persson

You can really Feel Sheen’s passion in every scene

This show is a definite must-see. Throughout the show, there were moments that were so emotionally powerful, that you could really hear a pin drop in the theatre, which I thought was especially evident in the sequences that explored the mining industry which I Imagine would have hit home to lots of welsh audiences.

Balancing both heartbreak with humour, there were undeniably so many times that made the audience laugh, and these weren’t just little chuckles here and there. There were times where the whole audience burst with laughter due to the style of humour which I think catered perfectly to a Welsh audience.

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Image: Johann Persson

Michael Sheen is nothing short of phenominal in this role, he truly stole the show, embodying Aneurin Bevan with a performance that is nothing short of electrifying. Throughout the performance you will not be able to take your eyes off of him, everything he does on stage is supported by his immense charm and so much passion. Another standout performance came from Rhodri Meilir who played multiple roles throughout.

Guaranteed to have you leaving the theatre overwhelmed with emotion.

Closing the show the cast were presented with one of the most emotional standing ovation I have ever witnessed, people around me were all wiping the tears from their eyes and comforting eachother. Quite often after a show has finished and people are leaving there are people chatting about how they enjoyed, but for this show there was next to nothing, the audience were overwhelmed with emotion, and I can totally understand why.

Leaving the show I felt a much stronger appreciation for the NHS and a sense of pride for what Aneurin Bevan, a man from Wales had accomplished. As well as a kick up the **** to get up and fight for what i’m passionate about, because as we see in the show, it can make a huge difference.

’Nye’ is at the Wales Millennium Centre until the 1st of June, offering an unforgetable theatre experience. Book your tickets now.

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